Digital Garden

Definition There does not seem to be a general consensus on this, but I will say that I consider a digital garden to be any text-based…

Flutter Tutorials


Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single…

Framework Laptop 13

I recently got a Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition to replace my Thinkpad T480 and System76 Adder WS 1. Here are some notes on installation…

Rust and Huggingface


SSH authentication with password

Sometimes, it's necessary to do password-based authentication with an SSH client. For example, when you're trying to SSH into your Mac Mini…

Sowing a digital garden with GatsbyJS and Obsidian

Overview In this I will describe the steps I took to create this [ Digital Garden ]. Ingredients [ Obsidian ] - what I'm using to write this…