
Building Flutter apps for distribution

One would think it would be straightforward to install an iOS app you built yourself to your own iPhone. And took this lifesaver…

Convert Huggingface model to TensorFlow Lite

Overview I needed to convert a Hugging Face TensorFlow model to TensorFlow Lite (tflite) and did so with the method below. While it's…

Digital Garden

Definition There does not seem to be a general consensus on this, but I will say that I consider a digital garden to be any text-based…

Flutter Tutorials


Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single…

Framework Laptop 13

I recently got a Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition to replace my Thinkpad T480 and System76 Adder WS 1. Here are some notes on installation…

Huggingface Transformers on Apple M1

Overview This is a guide on setting up huggingface transformers on a MacBook Air with Apple Silicon (M1). Install Python [ Install Python…

Install Python and setup miniforge3

Setup I use pyenv to handle different python versions. macOS Using homebrew: To activate: title: "Install Python and setup miniforge…

Making Flutter work with TensorFlow

Overview As of this writing, TensorFlow Lite does not have an official library for Flutter. So I am trying to make it all work with this…


Obsidian is markdown-based knowledge base that functions like a wiki in that it's non-linear. The official site describes it as "a second…

Rust and Huggingface


SSH authentication with password

Sometimes, it's necessary to do password-based authentication with an SSH client. For example, when you're trying to SSH into your Mac Mini…


It all began with a cryptic, incomprehensible text message from my friend, M. "sorry i needed to write that down somewhere lol" was her…

Sowing a digital garden with GatsbyJS and Obsidian

Overview In this I will describe the steps I took to create this [ Digital Garden ]. Ingredients [ Obsidian ] - what I'm using to write this…

The tyranny of timelines

In which I rant about my frustrations with the modern web and reminiscence on my early years developing for the web.... The angst of…

Using Rust in Flutter code

Introduction I am trying to figure out how to integrate huggingface into my Flutter app. Here is my attempt at figuring that out. Setup…